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Ankita Entertainments

About Us

Ankita Entertainments is a multimedia design studio that specializes in providing high-quality visual effects, animation and advertising services to film makers. Our team of professionals is dedicated to helping our clients bring their ideas to life on the big screen. Click here to learn more about our services.

Our Team

Meet the People Behind Ankita Entertainments

Varun S A | Head of Production and CGI Suprivisor in Ankita Entertainments
Varun S  A
Nagaraj S Revankar | Co founder of Ankita Entertainments and Subray Creations.
Nagaraj Revankar
Manjunath S G | Animation lead at Ankita Entertainments | Nukework Picture (OPC) Private Limited
Manju S G
Shruthi A | Modelling Lead at Ankita Entertainments | Nukework Picture (OPC) Pvt. Ltd.
Shruthi A

Grow Your Vision

Ankita Entertainments is a creative production company founded by Shashank Bhat in 2022. Our team of experienced professionals is passionate about delivering high-quality content that will entertain and inspire. Our commitment to our clients is to provide custom solutions and ensure that every project is delivered on time and within budget.

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